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Our History

Our History

Founded 1893 as Mills Chapel

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1899 - H.S. Rees

1904 - J.E. Doss Taylor

1908 - J.W. McLeod

1912 - J.W. Gill

1918 - George W. Jones

1928 - S.B. Dukes (Duncan)

1933 - P.T. Layton

1934 - Emory L. Williams

1937 - Seaborn W. Huggins

1938 - C.A. Adams

1943 - Lawrence Akin

1977 - W. Wardlaw Long

1978 - Clois Watson

1997 - Bob Dougherty

2000 - Tim Driggers

2004 - Randy Gardner

2005 - Searcy Jackson

2006 - Jeff Smith (present)


Mills Chapel Baptist Church (1899)

First Church Today.JPG

Our first building is still standing at the corner of Murray and Cole Streets,

Newnan, GA

Mills Chapel (1893)

Early church records burned years ago, making details of the first five years sketchy at best.  However, a history listing no author or sources lists the following men as pastors of Mills Chapel (not listed under Mills Chapel Baptist Church below).

Harvey Haines

A. Jackson

Laton A. Reese

Dan Carter

The church's name is believed to represent the cotton mill workers for whom the church was built.

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2005 Church.jpg


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