Service Missions Spiritual Growth Fellowship
These four things should define MCM. As men saved by the grace of God, these four areas provide us opportunities to live out our faith. As MCM, we are called by God to lead. So let's do our best to fulfill His call and guide this church for the glory of God!
Mills Chapel Men
Service: Seeing or hearing of a need and deciding to get involved.
Missions: Embracing the call by God to "Go ye therefore unto all the world," Matthew 28:18. Missions is our opportunity to obey God's call to reach others for Christ. Outreach opportunities are specifically designed to the lost with the goal being their coming to know Christ.
Spiritual Growth: Seeking God through His Word. Discipleship seeks to develop a biblical view on life. Developing each person's spiritual gift to effectively impact the Kingdom of God.
Fellowship: Enjoying the life God has given us together. Fellowship gives us an opportunity to build relationships and invite others to join us.